AFREC 2018 Africa Energy Statistics
AFREC 2018 Africa Energy Statistics
août 20, 2018

The AFREC Africa Energy Statistics is a comprehensive collection of statistical data based on production, consumption, imports and exports of energy resources of the African countries. This volume represents the 2018 Edition and largely based on energy data collected by AFREC supplemented with secondary data collected by international database providers mainly IEA to make it for missing or unsupplied data. It contains country, regional and continental aggregation of data and provides a compilation of data that is unique
Key Resources
août 01, 2018
août 01, 2018
août 20, 2018
août 20, 2018
août 20, 2018
The AFREC Africa Energy Statistics is a comprehensive collection of statistical data based on production, consumption, imports and exports of energy resources of the African countries.
septembre 01, 2017
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