The representative of the Executive Director of AFREC met the Minister of Water and Energy of Gabon.
The representative of the Executive Director of AFREC met the Minister of Water and Energy of Gabon.

Press Release No: P006/18/AFREC
Libreville, Gabon, the representative of the Executive Director of the African Energy Commission (AFREC) Mr. Abdoulaye OUEDDO, the International Consultant of AFREC, Mr. Jean Yves Garnier, the Administrative and Finance officer of AFREC Mr. Nicaise NNA NDONG and The Secretary of AFREC, Ms Halima GACEM have visited the Minister of Water and Energy, H.E. Mr. Patrick EYOGO EDZANG on 22 October 2018.
Mr. Abdoulaye OUEDDO, Consultant on Energy Information System and Database, representative of the Interim Executive Director of the African Energy Commission (AFREC) thanked the government of Republic of Gabon and in particularly the Ministry of water and Energy of Gabon for accepting to host the 3th AFREC's regional workshop training and reiterated the importance of the training workshop to the focal points and the National Energy Information System.
Mr. Abdoulaye stressed on the importance of harmonization and cooperation both at national and international level and highlighted the essential role of the energy statistics to Energy Efficiency develop sound energy policies.
Mr. Jean Yves Garnier, presented in detail the importance for whom countries can have an Energy database. The National Database and Energy Information System will help define a good energy policy in the Country.
H.E. Mr. Patrick EYOGO EDZANG thanked AFREC for choosing his Country to host the 3rd AFREC Workshop and briefly present the energy situation in Gabon. He stressed the absence of the National Energy Information System and Database and promised to establish system.
Finally, H.E. Mr. Patrick EYOGO EDZANG made a plea to AFREC to assist his ministry to install and to transfer the National Energy Statistics Database and train the national experts.
Mr. Abdoulaye OUEDDO, at the end of the visit, gave a Trophy to H.E Mr. Patrick EYOGO EDZANG, in the occasion of the celebration of the 10 years Anniversary of AFREC.
For more Information:
Mr. Atef MARZOUK, Interim Executive Director of African Energy Commission (AFREC)
E-mail: Website: Algiers, Algeria
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