Une Afrique Unie et Forte

Main Functions of AFREC

  • Mapping out of policies, strategies and development energy plans based on sub-regional, regional and continental development priorities as well as identification of the means for their implementation. Despite the huge energy potential of Africa, serious energy shortages experienced by a great number of countries have undermined their industrial development endeavors for several years;
  • Design, development and elaboration and updating of a continental energy database as well as promotion of rapid transmission and exchange of information among member States and the Regional Economic Communities (RECs). It is about putting in place and managing an active information system for the conservation, processing and dissemination of data on energy and related sectors;
  • Identification, development and launching of major inter-African cooperative energy projects promoting sub-regional, regional and continental integration. In parallel, mobilization of financial resources in order to provide the member States with the necessary assistance to develop and implement integrating energy projects;
  • Mapping out of policies, plans and projects of inter-African cooperation in the field of human resources development, particularly through staff training in the energy sector;
  • Creation of a technical assistance network among member States and promotion of partnerships among African countries in the field of energy;
  • Development of trade and transit of energy goods and services among member States. To this effect and in view of boosting inter-African trade in energy products, it is essential to encourage the use of harmonized technical standards, procedures and practices in the energy sector.

Key Resources
